​Free Resources - Tips for Managing Diabetes​​


Learn about diabetes management and set health goals for each season. "Healthy Living for All Seasons" was a year-round event funded by Tufts Health Foundation in 2014.


Test and keep track of your blood glucose for better diabetes control, and prevent diabetes complications. Bring your records to your visits with the doctor and/or diabetes educator. He/she will be able to provide the best recommendations accordingly.


Write down all the food and beverages you have. Bring your food record with you to your visits with the dietitian. He/she will be able to better tailor the meal plan for you to meet your health goal.


Set a clear healthy living goal. Bring this record sheet with you to your next diabetes educator visit. He/She will work with you in setting a healthy living goals that you are confident in achieving.


Know how to lose, maintain or gain weight by balancing between your calories input (food) and output (physical activities).


Learn how to recognize, prevent and treat low blood glucose in a safe and effective way.


Use your weight and height to find out your body mass index, BMI. This index assesses your risk for health conditions that are related to weight. The health indications from the BMI for Asian adults living in the United States are different than that for non-Hispanic white.


Know the risk factors for pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes, and find out what you can do to delay, or even prevent, diabetes.


Asian Americans should be screened for diabetes when their BMI is 23 or above, as their risk for diabetes will be higher. Use this packet to find out your BMI and other risk factors for diabetes, and bring this packet to your next doctor's appointment.


Early diagnosis and intervention is important for diabetes management. Take this 9-question diabetes risk assessment test and find out your risk level for developing diabetes. Make lifestyle changes today to lower your risks. 


Comorbidities such as diabetes increase the hospitalization and mortality rate of COVID-19. Here are some tips that help manage diabetes better to prevent COVID-19.


Know more about when and how frequently you need to do different health assessments for better managing your diabetes and preventing complications