About the Asian American Diabetes Initiative (AADI)
In response to the rising rates of diabetes in the Asian American population and the lack of culturally relevant research, clinical care, and education, Joslin's Chief Scientific Officer George L. King, MD and supporters of Joslin Diabetes Center established the AADI in 2000.
AADI Mission
To enhance the quality of life and health outcomes for Asian Americans living with diabetes, and its prevention through research, education, outreach and culturally appropriate treatment.
Each arm of the AADI is closely linked and together reflects our passion for, and dedication to, the Asian American community.
Study diabetes in the Asian American population and disseminate Joslin's research findings to healthcare providers and Asian American communities.
Provide culturally appropriate education through technology and multilingual materials for the general public and healthcare professionals.
In collaboration with local communities, provide diabetes awareness and education programs on prevention, management, and healthy living.
Asian Clinic
Deliver a culturally appropriate treatment program that is personalized and focused on the unique physiology and lifestyle of Asian Americans.
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