Ginger Forum 2024

If you're interested in attending the Ginger Forum 2024, please email us at to save your spot!

Tickets are $25 per person. We look forward to seeing you at Joslin Diabetes Center on Saturday, November 23rd

Ginger Forum Agenda & Program Book 2024

Joslin's Ginger Forum 2024

Joslin's Ginger Forum 2023

Ginger Forum 2023, panelists and moderators' group photo 

Boston Mayor Wu welcome pre-recorded message to the forum attendees 

During the Panel session "What can YOU do?" session where experts empowered audience with all the steps, we can take to lead healthier lives with or without diabetes, Dr. Sally Ho has demonstrated some physical activities we can all do; in the picture she is engaging the audience with some Tai Chi moves!

From left to right: Dr. Sanjeev Mehta, Ms. Shunee Yee, Dr. George King, Dr. Frank Hu, Ms. Chihiro Sato

Thank you to the many restaurant supporters for Ginger Forum 2023! Delicious bento box from JP Fuji Group

This new, interactive educational Ginger event will be held in person at the Joslin Diabetes Center.

Patients, their families and caregivers, health professionals in clinical practice, research, and health advocacy will come together to learn, network, and collaborate together.

The AADI will share its updates and bring experts to discuss the latest findings around diabetes among Asian Americans – treatments, management, education, technologies, screenings, and prevention.

Participants will learn actionable next steps for screening, better managing diabetes, and advocacy actions they can take in their specialized fields or in their communities.

QR code for digital program book 

Joslin Ginger Forum 2023 - Video Recording

If you were not able to join us in-person on October 21st, the panel recordings are now available!





About the AADI

In response to the rising rates of diabetes in the Asian American population and the lack of culturally relevant research, clinical care, and education, Joslin Research Director George L. King, MD, and supporters of Joslin Diabetes Center established the Asian American Diabetes Initiative (AADI) in 2000.

Goals of the AADI

  • Study diabetes in the Asian American population and disseminate Joslin’s research findings to healthcare providers and Asian American communities.
  • Provide diabetes education through innovative and culturally appropriate materials and outreach programs
  • Design and implement clinical treatment programs for Asian Americans
  • Collaborate with local, national and international organizations to raise diabetes awareness
  • Incorporate diverse community voices to promote health equity


​Event Ticket Information

When: Monday March 25th 2019 6:30PM-9:30PM

Where: Museum of Fine Arts| Art of the Americas Wing

Event Co-Chairs: Audrey Paek & Leverett Wing

Ticket: $250 Click here to purchase a ticket


Check out the 31 participating restaurants!

Chef Nancy Frattaroli

Chef Dave Becker

Chef Fabio Di Censo

   BLR By Shojo
Chef Brian Moy

Bon Me
Chef Alison Fong

  Cafe Nation
Alvin Tsang

Cambridge School of Culinary Arts
Beth Wittenstein

Casa B
Chef Alberto Cabre

Changsho Restaurant
Chef Wesley Chen

China Pearl Restaurant
Chef Brian Moy

Chinatown Cafe
Chef Raymond Eng

The Chubby Chickpea
Chef Avi Shemtov

Flour Bakery + Cafe
Chef Joanne Chang

    Fuji at Ink Block
Jimmy Liang

Le's Restaurant
Chef Duyen Le

Masala Art
Chefs Shikha and Vinod Kapoor

Mei Mei Boston
Chef Irene Li

MEM Tea Imports
Chef Gilbert Tsang

Modern Pastry
Lea Doherty

Myers + Chang
Chef Ashley Lujares

Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Chef Brian Flagg

Night Market
Chef Jason Tom

Chef Tracy Chang

Chef Jeffrey Salazar

Stella Boston
Chef Evan Deluty

Sumiao Hunan Kitchen
Chef Sumiao Chen

   The Smoke Shop BBQ
Andy Husbands

     Summer Shack
Chef Jasper White

Tiger Mama
Chef Tiffani Faison

Twelve Hours
Chef Tarita Charoenvesyangkul

Whaling in Oklahoma
Chef Tim Maslow

​Ginger Photos 2018


Check out press and media coverage of this year's Ginger!

The Improper Bostonian



YouTube Videos

Short interviews and event clips are available on AADI YouTube Channel.

Jasper White
Jasper White (Summer Shack), one of the co-founders of A Taste of Ginger (formerly known as A Spoonful of Ginger) has been supporting this event for years! He has shared his story – how it all started, why this is important for him and what he loves about this delicious and fun event.

Why We Help AADI 
Roman Greer, Lola Tom, and Yuka Kosuga are among the many collaborators helping the AADI to further our efforts of diabetes awareness and healthy living in various communities. They have shared their stories – how they got involved and what they have gained through working together with the AADI!

Joanne Chang 
(Flour Bakery and Myers + Chang) has been supporting A Taste of Ginger (formerly known as A Spoonful of Ginger) event since the very beginning! She has shared her story – why this is important for her and what she loves about this delicious and fun event.

Tsang Brothers
Alvin Tsang (Cafénation) and Gilbert Tsang (MEM Tea Imports) have been supporting this event for years! They have shared their stories – why this is important for them and what they love about A Taste of Ginger (formerly a Spoonful of Ginger) event.


Thank you for your generous support through In-Kind and Sponsorship of this event.