Drag 'n Cook® - Free recipe review for your healthy meal plan!
Drag 'n Cook™ lets you digitally prepare delicious Asian cuisines (Chinese, Indian, Japanese, Korean, and Vietnamese) while monitoring the overall health of the ingredients. The app provides trivia tidbits and full nutritional information about each food. We hope you will enjoy creating healthier versions of your favorite recipes and learning about different ingredients!
Available now on the web! Click the link below to access Drag'n Cook®
Check out some of the tasty recipes below and try them yourselves!
Shrimp Fried Rice
Bun Rieu

Chicken Mushroom Soup


Submit your recipe(s) now and be one of the twenty lucky winners!
Win one of these prizes!
‘n Cook™ Apron
steel OXO measuring cup
lunch box with food categories
* Drag ‘n Cook™ is available in English and
Chinese. Either language will be accepted.
* Recipe(s) must
be original.
* Submit by clicking “Share Recipe” button
and email to aadi@joslin.harvard.edu
* The more recipes you submit, the more
chances to win!